In November we learn about “Cooperation”, American history and we enjoy a Thanksgiving Day Feast dressed as Pilgrims and Native Americans.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1 Day Light Savings Starts on Sunday |
4 Pick - up Quilt Square at the office window. | 5 Canned Food Drive begins for St. Thomas Food Pantry. | 6 Show & Tell | 7 Does your child have hat & mittens for outside. | 8 Kindergarten to visit the Derry Library. Leave at 9:45 $2 Fee |
11 Veterans Day Thank You to all our Vets!! We are Open | 12 World Kindness Week. Do a good deed for someone today. | 13 Show & Tell World Kindness Day. How many ways can you make someone smile? | 14 Bring in a donation for our food drive. 15 Help 2 friends on Friday. ⇨ | 15 Preschool to visit the Derry Library. Leave at 9:45 $2 Fee |
18 Teachers attend an Emergency Preparedness Training tonight | 19 Your Quilt Project was due yesterday. Yes, you can bring it in tomorrow. | 20 Show & Tell Canned Food Drive Ends for St. Thomas Food Pantry. | 21 Hanukkah Begins on the 27th of November at Sundown | 22 Nursery School to visit Derry Library. Leave at 9:45 $2 fee |
25 Each class will make something for our Thanksgiving Feast | 26 Our children will dress as Pilgrims or Native Americans for our Feast Tomorrow. | 27 Pilgrims & Native Americans share a Clubhouse Thanksgiving Luncheon Feast | 28 & 29 Thanksgiving We are closed Thursday & Friday. Enjoy this time with your loved ones. No Show & Tell this week |